The area may be swollen and tender for up to 72 hours. Place ice in a bag over a lightly moistened paper towel on the procedure area.
Darkness, thickness and unevenness of shape right after the procedure is normal due to swelling.
Do not touch the procedure site during the healing process. Avoid makeup application directly onto area, do not expose treated area to hot tubs, saunas, swimming, excessive sun, facial cleansers, toners or lotions and no heavy exercising for 3-5 days.
Dryness around the area will start within 3-5 days. When Flaking/scabbing begins, rinse the area very gently with cool water 2x a day with clean finger for 5-7 days or until flaking/scabbing is done.
please follow your instructions directed from your technician.
Tenderness, dryness and itching are normal during the healing process. If a scab appears, do not pick, peel or scratch.
When flaking/scabbing is done, the color will appear very light; may also appear slightly pinkish due to tenderness of tissue. – This is normal. Allow the inside -dermal layer of the skin to heal and the color will slightly darken after 4 weeks.
An unpredictable amount of color will be lost (approximately between 20%-60% or even more)
In some cases due to scaring (from previous tattooing), large pores, oily skin, certain skin types, or medication, color may not appear at all.
It is unforeseen how much color your body will retain. You may need a second, third or forth application to meet your expectations of darkness to your preference.

Monitor the area for any oozing of lymph, blood and plasma secretion.
Press area gently but firmly with moist paper towel to remove.
If body fluids remain on the area(s), a thick scab will develop and will inhibit color pigment saturation.
Blotting may be discontinued when the secretion stops. Oozing may occur for 2-3 days.

Swelling may peak the next morning.
Keep salt intake to a minimum.
If mucus has formed, the lashes may be stuck together, gently rinse area with water
Continue to gently rinse eyes until flaking and scabbing is done with in 3-5 days.
Be sure to keep your lips moisturized at all times with ointment provided.
DO NOT EAT any type of citrus fruits, oily, hot, spicy, and sea foods.
No kissing or stretching of the mouth. Drink from a straw if possible for 5-7days or until healed
Due to unknown Herpes Simplex I Virus (cold sores on the outer edge of mouth), a breakout of lesions may occur around area of application. Please contact your doctor.